Это, конешно, не Greed и Envy, в их исполнении круче, ну и ладно!
27.01.2011 в 01:19
Шерлок-календарь 2011. Holmes vs HolmesК сожалению, у дневников уже настал следующий день. Но у меня еще 26-е
Итак, Бенедикт!Шерлок vs РДМ!Холмс -
скандалы-интриги-расследования Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)
Anything you could do, I could do better
I can do anything better than you!
No you can't!
Yes I can!
No you can't!
Yes I can!
No you can't!
Yes I can!
Yes I can!
Anything you can be, I can be greater
Sooner or later I'm greater than you!
No you're not!
Yes I am!
No you're not!
Yes I am!
No you're not!
Yes I am!
Yes I am!
I can shoot a partridge
with a single cartridge
I can get a sparrow
With a bow and arrow
I can live on bread and cheese
and only on that?
So can a rat!
Anything you can say
I can say softer.
I can say anything softer than you
No you can't
Yes I can
No you can't
Yes I can
No you can't
Yes I can
I can drink my liquor
Faster than a flicker
I can drink it quicker
And get even sicker
I can open any safe
Without being caught?
Ts-You Bet
Thats what i thought u crook!
Anything you can say
I can say faster
I can say anything faster than you
.....No you can't
I can jump a hurdle
I can wear a girdle
I can knit a sweater
I can fill it better
I can do most anything
Can you bake a pie?
Anything you can sing
I can sing sweeter
I can sing anything sweeter than you
No you can't
Yes I can
No you can't
Yes I can
No you can't
Yes I can
No you can't
Oh yes I can
No you can't, can't, can't
Yes I can, can, can
Yes I can
(No you can't)
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